Nagasaki Peace Park: In Memory of the Atomic Bomb Victims

Nagasaki commemorated the 70th year of the atomic bomb dropping last August 9, 2015. The day before, my grade school students at the cram school where I teach English asked me if I knew what day was the next day.


They were all appalled. “You don’t know?!” one practically yelled, aghast. “Tomorrow is a very important day for Nagasaki! Everyone should know about it!”

I must admit I felt ashamed at the earnestness reflecting on their little faces, and assured them that yes, I know about the atomic bomb although it had admittedly slipped my mind.

August means summer vacation here in Japan, but for the entire prefecture of Nagasaki, high school students (presumably grade school as well) have compulsory classes on August 9 despite being in the middle of vacation in order to learn, again and again, about that fateful day.

I got the chance to go to the Nagasaki Peace Park last November 8, 2014, with the rest of the international students at my school as part of a Nagasaki-wide universities and colleges conference which started at Nagasaki University about world peace. Given that they placed heavy importance in conveying the gravity of why atomic bombings must never happen again, pamphlets in English, Chinese and Korean were handed out, and an interpreter conscientiously translated each sentence of the guest speaker.

This guest speaker had been a boy of around 8-10 years old at the time of the bombing. Unfortunately, I cannot recall his name. He recalls the day being extremely hot and felt just like any other day, save for the increased caution everyone exercised because of bombing warnings. He and his friends had made plans to play by the river. By some stroke of luck – or perhaps saying fate would be more fitting – his mother had insisted he stay at home to finish his homework for the summer.

Then the bomb struck.

What became of his friends, he says, he has no idea. He never saw them again.

After that very moving seminar, we were split into groups based on which language we want our tour guide to speak. I went with the English one because I wanted to be able to absorb every detail as much as possible.

The Peace Memorial Statue

Our tour started at the Peace Memorial Statue. At first glance, one might instantly wonder why its pose is as such. As it turns out, there was an explanation for it: the closed eyes symbolize prayer for the souls of the victims while the hand pointing upwards symbolizes the atomic bomb from above. The extended left hand is for peace, the folded right leg symbolizes meditation and the upright left leg symbolizes that the survivors can and will rise again.

These statues are found all throughout the park as you walk along. They come from different countries, each symbolizing their own interpretation of peace.

The Peace Fountain
The Peace Fountain

Water is another very important symbol which plays into the bombing at the time. When the bomb exploded, the victims were said to have felt an unquenchable thirst as their bodies burned.

Lines of a poem by Yamaguchi Sachiko, who was a little girl at the time. It reads:
Lines of a poem by Yamaguchi Sachiko, who was a little girl at the time. It reads: “I was thirsty beyond endurance. There was something oily on the surface of the water, but I wanted water so badly that I drank it just as it was.”
Actual bomb raid shelters.
Actual bomb raid shelters.


Ground zero.
Ground zero.

My friend Tammy notes in her own post about the Peace Park (check out her post and the rest of her blog here) that it was interesting how quiet it was here at the place where the bomb had been dropped and exploded despite being close to the main road. I would have to agree as I remember thinking the same thing. There were a lot of tourists and the students I was with when I came, but there was something about the area that demanded silence.


Ruins of the Urakami Cathedral
Ruins of the Urakami Cathedral

This is actual ruins of the Urakami Cathedral in its actual location. The building itself has since been restored and is now located in another place.

Paper cranes, folded in thousands in order to grant wishes, have also come to be a symbol of peace
Paper cranes, folded in thousands in order to grant wishes, have also come to be a symbol of peace
Preserved state of the soil at the time of the bombing


The stream where thousands of people crawled towards in search of water; it was said to have been strewn with dead bodies.
The stream where thousands of people crawled towards in search of water; it was said to have been strewn with dead bodies.
A statue near ground zero. 11:02 AM was the time the bomb exploded over the city.


It was interesting to realize that the victims of the atomic bomb were not only Japanese people but foreigners as well. As Nagasaki was a known trading port, it was also ultimately the landing point for foreigners who had committed crimes, as well as prisoners of war.

Later in class, we were asked to write and deliver short speeches about our thoughts about the war, especially since the countries where us international students come from (Philippines, Korea, Vietnam, Myanmar) were once conquered by Japan. I said that while it was indeed true that the Philippines once suffered under the Japanese regime, ultimately everyone in the war is a victim – including the winning side. And the ones who suffer the most are the ones who aren’t even fighting.

Going to Nagasaki Peace Park
– from Nagasaki Station: ride trams number 1 (blue) or 3 (red) headed for Akasako and get off at Matsuyamamachi Station.
* all tram rides cost ¥120 regardless of distance

For more information about Nagasaki and the rest of Kyushu Island, check out DISCOVERY JAPAN.
Enjoy a different world from Tokyo and Osaka.

Akihabara At Night

In my last post (which was, wow, over a year ago! Hi guys lol), I mentioned that the skies were overcast when we were out. Continuing with that day, by the time night fell, it was already raining in Akihabara when we got there. (On a side note: R and I fell asleep on the train on the way and woke up just as we missed Akihabara, haha. We got off at the next stop and hopped on a train back.) It wasn’t raining hard, then, but it wasn’t just a drizzle, either. The rain definitely put a damper on our spirits. Even so, we walked around the area for a bit to see what it was all about.Read More »

Glimpses of Tokyo: Shinjuku and Nakano

As you can see, the sky was rather overcast all throughout. It actually began raining by the time we reached Nakano Broadway, our next stop. Nakano Broadway is a 4-storey shopping mall dedicated to anime, gaming and idol merchandise. Definitely a must-see for fans. 🙂 More on Nakano Broadway here.

Square Enix: Character Goods Shop Showcase

I first heard about Square Enix during high school in 1999; they were still Squaresoft back then. I remember staring at the gorgeous advertisement for Final Fantasy VIII in one of the video game magazines R loved bringing to class – and falling in love with Squall Leonhart, hahaha. (I even remember the release date for FF8: 9/9/99.) I was FF8-baited into Square Enix: it was the first Final Fantasy I played (and finished) and subsequently became my favorite. The other FFs I got to play and finish were only FF7 and FF9 for the PlayStation console, and Dissidia and Dissidia Duodecim for the PSP. But even if I’m not a hardcore Final Fantasy gamer, R was (haha) and we definitely didn’t want to pass up a chance to visit The Square Enix in Shinjuku, Tokyo.

The entrance to the Character Goods Shop Showcase, not the actual Square Enix headquarters, wherever it is, haha

The Character Goods Shop Showcase was basically… yes, a showcase. It also doubled as a shop of various Square Enix Merchandise.Read More »

First glimpses of Tokyo

After having quite a whirlwind arrival in Tokyo the previous night (although it was the same day, really, considering the lateness of the hour), R and I crashed on our futons much later, spending several hours updating various social media platforms (haha) and touching base with our families because we didn’t have any contact with […]

The start of our Tokyo misadventures (tl;dr)

…actually began in Kyoto, when I went to the JR information desk and asked to book two seats for a sleeper train to Tokyo.

I was told that all the sleeper trains going to Tokyo were fully booked.

So were all sleeper buses. It hadn’t even occurred to me to make reservations in advance, and even if it was clear that I should have, I couldn’t help but feel a bit miffed – how was it possible that that there were a lot of people from Kyoto traveling to Tokyo the same night? (Yes, this is a stupid question. No need to answer, haha.)

The man behind the desk, who was very helpful and patient despite the fact that my Japanese was bad and his Engish was nonexistent, suggested we ride on the shinkansen instead as that was also covered by our JR passes. In stilted Japanese, I explained to him that a bullet train is too fast and I wanted a slow transport because we’d have nowhere to stay in Tokyo as our hotel booking was for the next day. He looked down at his terminal and typed, presumably to look for possible openings, but looked up moments later and briskly shook his head.

I thanked him and left, going back to R so we could regroup (haha). We considered going back to Ryokan Harimaya, but somehow neither of us wanted to. I forgot R’s reason, but mine was we’d already said goodbye (as dramatic as that sounds). There was also the possibility of being turned away, so we thought we should stay at the train station instead, no matter what.

Eventually we were like, f*ck it, let’s just go to Tokyo. Bahala na si Batman!Read More »

Hotel Review: Ryokan Harimaya

One of the items in our non-existent list of things-to-do-in-Japan which R and I wanted to experience was staying at a ryokan, a traditional Japanese inn. However, we knew that staying at one even for just a night could be costly, so we just ended up booking the cheapest one we could find in Kyoto at, which turned out to be Ryokan Harimaya.

There are different types of ryokan, apparently, and according to this website, Ryokan Harimaya seems to be the standard ryokan. It’s a two-storey house that was converted into an inn run by a family – at least, that’s what I understood from what the daughter of the family told me. They do not cook or serve any meals, but it seems like they’ll be happy to call delivery for you or at least point out where you can eat, haha (as related here when we wanted ramen).Read More »

Last glimpses of Kyoto

Our last day in Kyoto was our busiest one. Randomly, one of the things I’ve always wondered/regretted about relying on my mobile phone’s camera was not having taken as much photos as I want. I suppose these shots were me trying to capture as much of the Kyoto I can see as possible before we will be leaving it. The more the day drew to a close, the more R and I kept saying that we wished we could stay longer. 😦Read More »

The Zen Garden of Ryoan-ji

Ryoan-ji was our last ‘hurrah’ in the very beautiful city of Kyoto. I added it to mine and R’s list of places to go to after seeing gorgeous pictures of its gardens. Apparently, its rock garden or zen garden is the most famous of its kind in Japan.

I tried to look up what Zen is, exactly, but for now let’s leave it at having something to do with Buddhism.Read More »